Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is intended to inform users (“Users” or “You”) about the collection and processing of personal data obtained through the portal (“Portal”)

The access and use of the Portal implies knowledge and acceptance of the conditions included in this Privacy Policy.

Responsible for the treatment


ETL Spain Holding, S.L (hereinafter, “ETL SPAIN HOLDING”)




Calle Mallorca 272 – 08037 Barcelona


900 649 344


DPO: ETL SPAIN HOLDING has a Data Protection Delegate with whom you can contact through the following email address or by writing to the postal address indicated above.

How do we collect personal data?

ETL SPAIN HOLDING collects information from Users when they make use of those Portal functionalities that require providing certain personal data. Specifically, ETL SPAIN HOLDING will record the following information:

  • Data provided through the contact form that the User interested in obtaining information about our services or making any type of query or request facilitates ETL SPAIN HOLDING.
  • Data provided through the “Work with us” section, including the resumes that Users send us.
  • Email address provided by Users to subscribe to our newsletters and to receive our communications.
  • Data provided by sending emails to the addresses identified in the Portal.
    Data provided by filling in the forms or using the features offered at any time in the Portal.

The use of the different forms and / or functionalities enabled in the Portal is voluntary. However, some fields are necessary to correctly respond to your request, so the refusal of the User to provide the required information in the mandatory fields will prevent ETL SPAIN HOLDING from attending your request.

For what purposes does ETL SPAIN HOLDING use the personal data of the Users?

The personal data that the User of the Portal provides us through the forms and functionalities enabled in the Portal will be treated in general with the purpose of providing the information requested by the Users, attending their queries or requests, as well as with any other purpose to the that the forms and functionalities offered at all times through the Portal are referred.

In the case of the data provided by the User through the “Work with us” section, the data will be processed to assess and manage your possible participation in the personnel selection processes, present or future, carried out by ETL SPAIN HOLDING COMPANY.

Additionally, in the cases in which Users have subscribed to our newsletter, their personal data will be treated in order to send you by any means, including electronic means (email, SMS, etc.), commercial communications about our products and services legal, fiscal and accounting and administrative management or others that we offer or lend, as well as information about our activities, including relevant news about ETL SPAIN HOLDING and information about events that we organize, sponsor or in which ETL SPAIN HOLDING or otherwise participate your professionals.

Recipients of personal data

The personal data of the Users will not be communicated to third parties, except for the fulfillment of legal obligations to which ETL SPAIN HOLDING was subject.

Legitimation of treatments

The legal basis of the treatments is the consent granted by the Users provided by accepting this Privacy Policy and the corresponding boxes.

How long will we keep your data?

The personal data will be kept for the time necessary to attend and manage the information requested by the Users, attend their queries or requests or fulfill any other purpose to which the forms and functionalities offered at any time through the Portal refer.

In the case of personal data provided through the “Work with us” section, we will keep personal data for a maximum period of [1 year]. We understand that after that period, your data may be outdated, so we will proceed to delete all your information.

If you have subscribed to our newsletter or otherwise have given your consent so that we can send you commercial communications, we will keep your data as long as you do not revoke that consent.

After the aforementioned deadlines, the personal data of the Users may be blocked and maintained by ETL SPAIN HOLDING for the attention of the possible responsibilities born of the treatment and only during the limitation period of said responsibilities. After this period, personal data will be deleted by ETL SPAIN HOLDING.

How should I update my personal data?

The User guarantees that the personal data provided to ETL SPAIN HOLDING through this Portal are true, correct, current and complete. The User is responsible for communicating to ETL SPAIN HOLDING any modification or update thereof, by sending a communication to the postal or electronic addresses provided in the section “How do I exercise my rights?” And following the indications contained in the same.

What happens if I provide ETL SPAIN HOLDING data of third parties?

In general, Users are prohibited from providing personal data related to third parties. However, in the event that the User provides personal data of third parties, prior to the inclusion or communication of their data to ETL SPAIN HOLDING, inform said persons about the content of this Privacy Policy. The User guarantees that he has obtained the prior consent of these third parties for the communication of his personal data to ETL SPAIN HOLDING for the purposes provided in this Privacy Policy.

How do I exercise my rights?

The User may, at any time, revoke the consents given, as well as request ETL SPAIN HOLDING confirmation on whether their personal data is being processed by us and, if so, access them. You can also request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

Also, in certain circumstances, the User may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims. You may also object to the processing of your data in certain circumstances. ETL SPAIN HOLDING will stop processing personal data, except for compelling legitimate reasons or the exercise or defense of possible claims. Finally, when appropriate, the User may exercise the right of portability to obtain the data in electronic format or that they are transmitted to another entity.

For this purpose you can use the following channels, always accompanying a photocopy of your ID or any other document that allows you to prove your identity:

  • By letter to the address: Calle Mallorca 272 – 08037 Barcelona
  • By email to

Finally, in the event that the User has knowledge or considers that a fact may involve a breach of the applicable regulations regarding data protection, our security officer may file a complaint with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.

Updates and changes in the Privacy Policy

ETL SPAIN HOLDING reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy. When such changes occur, they will be communicated to Users through notices on the Portal, by email or through any other appropriate procedure depending on the circumstances.