Digital Law

Legal advice on compliance with data protection and e-commerce regulations, responding quickly and personally to all consultations and projects:

  • Advice on data protection. Projects to adapt to the GDPR and Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights.
  • Data Protection Audits and reviews of changes.
  • Assessment of compliance with data protection regulations.
  • Risk analysis and impact assessments derived from data protection regulations.
  • Security Gap Management.
  • Defence in relation to proceedings against the Spanish Data Protection Agency and defence in court.
  • Compliance with e-commerce regulations.
  • Review and drafting of contracts.
  • Big Data or Blockchain projects.

Area Professionals

Luis Mª Latasa Vassallo socio etl global
Luis Mª Latasa Vassallo
Miguel Valdés - EJASO
Miguel Valdés Borruey